Performance Management

04 Oct

Performance Management

According to a study by Intelligence Group, 72 percent of millennials want to be their own bosses at work. If they do have a boss, 79 percent of them state that they want their bosses to serve as a coach or a mentor. The research explains that there is a need for a performance management system designed to guide employees into being more equipped experts in their line of business.

Managing performance is key to the relationship between managers and employees. It can be a leading element of effective communication and foster the growth of trust and personal development. Managing performance is key to how well your employees will be engaged in their work and how well they will perform.

Where a performance review system is in place and working well employees are more likely to engage with the goals of the business.

Managers who received feedback on their strengths showed 8.9% greater productivity’

‘69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognised’

Good performance management, carried out effectively helps everyone in the organisation to know:

  • what the business is trying to achieve
  • their role in helping the business achieve its goals
  • the skills and competencies they need to fulfil their role
  • the standards of performance required
  • how they can develop their performance and contribute to development of the organisation
  • how they are doing
  • when there are performance problems and what to do about them.


53% of employers said they don't actively track improved performance

As organisational leaders, managers are responsible for taking steps to help employees be successful so all performance reviews must be developed and updated. Your employee, and his or her contribution to the success of the company, is important.  Take the time to do it right

How do we do this:

·       Have an up to date job description

·       Set goals and new challenges

·       Be clear and specific

·       Evaluate strengths

·       Limit feedback to one or two areas at a time

·       Listen actively

·       Review, review, review

Do you need assistance in developing a successful employee performance programme?

We can help you, get in contact today.

For more information:


Statistics provided by Clearview